A large number of government and private grant opportunities exist which are designed to help community organisations
and sports clubs. These include funding for equipment, lighting, capital works, business planning, events etc etc.
With seven years experience in the grants and propsals business we have a detailed knowlege of the grants
available and when and where to look for funding. Many organisations are unaware of the enormous amounts of money available
to them.
Unfortunately, many organisations also do not have the time to dedicate to writing out a lengthy and complicated
grant application. As well, they lack the expertise and can often get bogged down in the red tape associated with government
Premier Sports Marketing will work with you to write the grant application and ensure the greatest chance
of success. Through our extensive experience we have discovered the secrets behind what makes a successful grant application!
Premier Sports Marketing realises most volunteer organisations run on a very limited budget and cannot afford
excessive marketing or consulting fees. Accordingly, when writing grant applications for your group we operate on a NO WIN
- NO FEE basis. If the application for funding is rejected for any reason, regardless of how much work we've put in, your
club pays nothing. If successful, you pay a $500 fee, a pretty good deal when your club or community group can potentially
receive $30,000 or more!
Premier Sports Marketing is now connected with Australian Legends of Poker
who run private poker fundraising events for clubs and associations.
Your poker event can be run as…
As a team-building exercise
where individuals or teams compete against each other
A corporate games night
where you are the high rollers
A fundraising event for
your club or association
Simply a fun social event
for people to relax and enjoy themselves
See www.australianlegendsofpoker.com.au for more information or contact Paul on 0418 983 501 to discuss